Stephanie Griffith

Stephanie is hungry for food.
Reading? Ruth Reichl, Comfort Me with Apples
Most Excited About? It's a tie between eating a sfoglia crema in Firenze and fried artichokes in Roma.
Brian Griffith

Brian is hungry for history.
Reading? Thomas Mann, Death in Venice
Most Excited About? Visiting Il Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana in Roma.
DoDo Griffith (i.e. 'Widdle Meeshwon)

DoDo is ... not traveling (exiled to Bradley, CA.)
Reading? No haz deh lituruhseez. Haz deh dumz.
Most Excited About? Not being flippin' eaten by the other cats and dogs in Bradley, CA.
HTC Aria (from which we will be blogging):
